TorRouter 22.03.0

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Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

TorRouter 22.03.0

Post by admin »


Working version for ZyXEL P-2812HNU-F1.

Privoxy 3.0.33-1

Weird Tor issue:
Tor needs HeartBeatPeriod=0 in torrc as too much messages are produced when other then 0.
This is NOT the case on own build v22.03.0 for VMware.
Well, now (nov-2022) we do see -other- errors and 100% CPU usage !!!

Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter 22.03.0

Post by admin »

Full manifest file of this build:

Code: Select all

base-files - 1490-r19685-512e76967f
block-mount - 2022-06-02-93369be0-2
bnx2-firmware - 20220411-1
busybox - 1.35.0-3
ca-bundle - 20211016-1
ca-certificates - 20211016-1
cgi-io - 2022-08-10-901b0f04-21
collectd - 5.12.0-33
collectd-mod-cpu - 5.12.0-33
collectd-mod-interface - 5.12.0-33
collectd-mod-iwinfo - 5.12.0-33
collectd-mod-load - 5.12.0-33
collectd-mod-memory - 5.12.0-33
collectd-mod-network - 5.12.0-33
collectd-mod-rrdtool - 5.12.0-33
dnsmasq - 2.86-14
dropbear - 2022.82-2
e2fsprogs - 1.46.5-1
ethtool - 5.16-1
firewall4 - 2022-09-01-f5fcdcf2-1
fstools - 2022-06-02-93369be0-2
fwtool - 2019-11-12-8f7fe925-1
getrandom - 2021-08-03-205defb5-2
glib2 - 2.70.5-4
grub2 - 2.06-3
grub2-bios-setup - 2.06-3
grub2-efi - 2.06-3
htop - 3.2.1-1
htpdate - 1.1.1-5
iperf3 - 3.11-1
jansson4 - 2.13.1-2
jshn - 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1
jsonfilter - 2018-02-04-c7e938d6-1
kernel - 5.10.138-1-b8115ee26dcbffdc5115a01911a6cbd8
kmod-amazon-ena - 5.10.138-1
kmod-amd-xgbe - 5.10.138-1
kmod-bnx2 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-button-hotplug - 5.10.138-3
kmod-crypto-crc32c - 5.10.138-1
kmod-crypto-hash - 5.10.138-1
kmod-e1000 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-e1000e - 5.10.138-1
kmod-fs-vfat - 5.10.138-1
kmod-hwmon-core - 5.10.138-1
kmod-i2c-algo-bit - 5.10.138-1
kmod-i2c-core - 5.10.138-1
kmod-igb - 5.10.138-1
kmod-input-core - 5.10.138-1
kmod-ip6tables - 5.10.138-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 5.10.138-1
kmod-ipt-core - 5.10.138-1
kmod-ipt-nat - 5.10.138-1
kmod-ipt-offload - 5.10.138-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 5.10.138-1
kmod-lib-crc32c - 5.10.138-1
kmod-libphy - 5.10.138-1
kmod-mdio-devres - 5.10.138-1
kmod-mii - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-conntrack - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-conntrack6 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-flow - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-ipt - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-ipt6 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-log - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-log6 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-nat - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-nat6 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-reject - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nf-reject6 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nfnetlink - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nft-core - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nft-fib - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nft-nat - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nft-offload - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nls-base - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nls-cp437 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nls-iso8859-1 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-nls-utf8 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-phy-realtek - 5.10.138-1
kmod-ppp - 5.10.138-1
kmod-pppoe - 5.10.138-1
kmod-pppox - 5.10.138-1
kmod-pps - 5.10.138-1
kmod-ptp - 5.10.138-1
kmod-r8169 - 5.10.138-1
kmod-slhc - 5.10.138-1
kmod-tun - 5.10.138-1
kmod-vmxnet3 - 5.10.138-1
libattr - 2.5.1-1
libblkid1 - 2.37.3-3
libblobmsg-json20220515 - 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1
libbz2-1.0 - 1.0.8-1
libc - 1.2.3-4
libcap - 2.63-1
libcomerr0 - 1.46.5-1
libcurl4 - 7.83.1-3
libdb47 -
libevdev - 1.12.0-1
libevent2-7 - 2.1.12-1
libext2fs2 - 1.46.5-1
libf2fs6 - 1.14.0-3
libffi - 3.4.2-2
libgcc1 - 11.2.0-4
libgdbm - 1.21-1
libip4tc2 - 1.8.7-7
libip6tc2 - 1.8.7-7
libiwinfo-data - 2022-08-19-0dad3e66-1
libiwinfo-lua - 2022-08-19-0dad3e66-1
libiwinfo20210430 - 2022-08-19-0dad3e66-1
libjson-c5 - 0.15-2
libjson-script20220515 - 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1
libkmod - 27-2
libltdl7 - 2.4.6-2
liblua5.1.5 - 5.1.5-10
liblucihttp-lua - 2022-07-08-6e68a106-1
liblucihttp0 - 2022-07-08-6e68a106-1
liblzma - 5.2.5-3
liblzo2 - 2.10-4
libmbedtls12 - 2.28.1-1
libminiupnpc - 2.2.3-1
libmnl0 - 1.0.5-1
libnatpmp1 - 20150609-3
libncurses6 - 6.3-1
libnftnl11 - 1.2.1-1
libnghttp2-14 - 1.44.0-1
libnl-tiny1 - 2021-11-21-8e0555fb-1
libopenssl-conf - 1.1.1q-1
libopenssl1.1 - 1.1.1q-1
libpci - 3.8.0-2
libpcre - 8.45-3
libpthread - 1.2.3-4
libpython3-3.10 - 3.10.5-1
libreadline8 - 8.1-1
librrd1 - 1.0.50-5
librt - 1.2.3-4
libsmartcols1 - 2.37.3-3
libsqlite3-0 - 3370000-1
libss2 - 1.46.5-1
libtirpc - 1.3.2-1
libubox20220515 - 2022-05-15-d2223ef9-1
libubus-lua - 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1
libubus20220601 - 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1
libuci20130104 - 2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6
libuclient20201210 - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1
libucode20220812 - 2022-08-29-344fa9e6-1
libudev-zero - 1.0.1-1
libusb-1.0-0 - 1.0.24-5
libustream-openssl20201210 - 2022-01-16-868fd881-1
libuuid1 - 2.37.3-3
libxtables12 - 1.8.7-7
logd - 2021-08-03-205defb5-2
lua - 5.1.5-10
luci - git-20.074.84698-ead5e81
luci-app-commands - git-21.099.45379-36959dc
luci-app-firewall - git-22.089.67563-7e3c1b4
luci-app-openvpn - git-22.025.78197-18b1130
luci-app-opkg - git-22.154.41881-28e92e3
luci-app-p910nd - git-20.108.38431-8f34e10
luci-app-privoxy - 1.0.6
luci-app-statistics - git-22.115.68420-46794ea
luci-app-transmission - git-21.337.84171-2ef8100
luci-base - git-22.245.77528-487e58a
luci-compat - git-22.069.45071-03bb0e2
luci-lib-base - git-20.232.39649-1f6dc29
luci-lib-ip - git-20.250.76529-62505bd
luci-lib-ipkg - git-18.318.71164-4bbe325
luci-lib-iptparser - git-18.284.21603-0aff452
luci-lib-jsonc - git-22.097.61921-7513345
luci-lib-nixio - git-20.234.06894-c4a4e43
luci-mod-admin-full - git-19.253.48496-3f93650
luci-mod-network - git-22.244.54818-b13d8c7
luci-mod-status - git-22.189.48501-6731190
luci-mod-system - git-22.140.66206-02913be
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-21.148.48881-79947af
luci-proto-ppp - git-21.158.38888-88b9d84
luci-ssl-openssl - git-17.031.53232-b6341bd
luci-theme-bootstrap - git-22.141.59265-d8ecf48
mkf2fs - 1.14.0-3
mtd - 26
nano - 6.4-1
netifd - 2022-08-25-76d2d41b-1
nftables-json - 1.0.2-2.1
odhcp6c - 2022-08-05-7d21e8d8-18
odhcpd-ipv6only - 2022-03-22-860ca900-1
open-vm-tools - 11.3.0-1
openssl-util - 1.1.1q-1
openvpn-easy-rsa - 3.0.8-4
openvpn-openssl - 2.5.5-1
openwrt-keyring - 2022-03-25-62471e69-3
opkg - 2022-02-24-d038e5b6-1
p910nd - 0.97-9
partx-utils - 2.37.3-3
pciids - 0.359-1
pciutils - 3.8.0-2
ppp - 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-3
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.9.git-2021-01-04-3
privoxy - 3.0.33-1
procd - 2022-06-01-7a009685-1
procd-seccomp - 2022-06-01-7a009685-1
python3 - 3.10.5-1
python3-asyncio - 3.10.5-1
python3-base - 3.10.5-1
python3-cgi - 3.10.5-1
python3-cgitb - 3.10.5-1
python3-codecs - 3.10.5-1
python3-ctypes - 3.10.5-1
python3-dbm - 3.10.5-1
python3-decimal - 3.10.5-1
python3-distutils - 3.10.5-1
python3-email - 3.10.5-1
python3-light - 3.10.5-1
python3-logging - 3.10.5-1
python3-lzma - 3.10.5-1
python3-multiprocessing - 3.10.5-1
python3-ncurses - 3.10.5-1
python3-openssl - 3.10.5-1
python3-pkg-resources - 58.1.0-1
python3-pydoc - 3.10.5-1
python3-readline - 3.10.5-1
python3-setuptools - 58.1.0-1
python3-sqlite3 - 3.10.5-1
python3-unittest - 3.10.5-1
python3-urllib - 3.10.5-1
python3-uuid - 3.10.5-1
python3-xml - 3.10.5-1
r8169-firmware - 20220411-1
rpcd - 2022-08-24-82904bd4-1
rpcd-mod-file - 2022-08-24-82904bd4-1
rpcd-mod-iwinfo - 2022-08-24-82904bd4-1
rpcd-mod-luci - 20210614
rpcd-mod-rrdns - 20170710
rrdtool1 - 1.0.50-5
terminfo - 6.3-1
tor -
tor-fw-helper - 0.3-2
tor-gencert -
tor-geoip -
tor-resolve -
transmission-daemon - 3.00-18
ubox - 2021-08-03-205defb5-2
ubus - 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1
ubusd - 2022-06-01-2bebf93c-1
uci - 2021-10-22-f84f49f0-6
uclient-fetch - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1
ucode - 2022-08-29-344fa9e6-1
ucode-mod-fs - 2022-08-29-344fa9e6-1
ucode-mod-ubus - 2022-08-29-344fa9e6-1
ucode-mod-uci - 2022-08-29-344fa9e6-1
uhttpd - 2022-08-12-e3395cd9-1
uhttpd-mod-ubus - 2022-08-12-e3395cd9-1
urandom-seed - 3
urngd - 2020-01-21-c7f7b6b6-1
usbids - 0.359-1
usbutils - 014-1
usign - 2020-05-23-f1f65026-1
wifischedule - 1-3
zlib - 1.2.11-6
We are missing @ least:
  • wpad-mesh-openssl
  • hostapd-common
Now running on test machine ...

And I see grub in the list? for a router-device? Not the ZyXEL in any case.
So check and remove. ( more 4 vmware?)

Post Reply