HIGH priority:
- Forum Filling...
- Change management network into different ip-range then rest of VM's (how to access etc.)
- Upgrade ESXi 4.1 (latest patches) viewtopic.php?f=6&t=33
- Use internally iSCSI instead of NFS
http://www.ics-support.com/doc/network_ ... mware.html - remove most virtual windows machines
- Test phpbb & wordpress plugins (combine both)
- Social buttons on main WEB site (wordpress plugins)
- DGLD705 machine 2GB mem and 2 vCPU?
- Forum Filling...
- Time settings on all machines (who is leading?)
Leading is europe.pool.ntp.org, on DGZyXEL01 for all VM's - Check if NFS / iscsi links work after a reboot?
- remove most virtual windows machines.
- aug 2014 - phpbb - reIMG (auto sizing picture within phpbb)
https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/view ... l/id_56427
https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtop ... 7&start=15 (this one is most easy) - jun 2014 - Power (timing) cycle schedule, which machines start on VMware boot.
Machines needed powered ON :- DGNF02
- XP10
- DGLD705
- jun 2014 - Leidekker Cam 01 on DGLD701 (Motion)
- VMware-tools on DGLD705
- New DGWEB server 117.106, with phpbb, fixed mail settings
- 2nd wordpress instance (working! 2 x Wordpress, 1 x phpbb)