Old IR controlled Halogene lightning

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Site Admin
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Old IR controlled Halogene lightning

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Old technical school project, from dutch Elektuur year 1991.
The IR remote controle is doing it's 3rd battery, hopefully again 10 years!



Some of the 'table' lights (max 20W halogen) had some adjustments 2 or 3 years back.
The power switches were changed for micro-switch with dim-function.


I like the multi-function -dim/bright/on/off of the SLB0586.
Longer press (>400ms) will dim or brighten the lamp.
Short press (<400ms) = on or off.

Had some issues last month with 1 of the lights, even broke another working one, as it looked that way.
Rebuild the dimmer function IC and small power-supply for 12V AC on a breadboard and tested 3 x SLB0586.
Same as SLB0587, both dimmer IC's.
Broke over 7 zener diodes, as it's part of the small power supply, used in this configuration.
But that was most always due to own fault measurements, stupid me :)

All lights should be working again, and found 1 SLB0586 defect, although it looked working correctly.
It was not able to brighten anymore if pin 2 is not connected to + or - of it's circuit.
This pin can be 'unconnected', and then the IC has another dim-trajectory (is mentioned in all text in pictures below).
As when pin in connected to + or -, again 2 different dim-trajectories.

This defect IC was placed in a less soldered PCB on which pin 2 pad already was gone.
Found this behavior of this IC in my breadboard.
Tried this IC in another light and after some flickering this one looked dead.

Later on (removed and reconnected to 12V AC) the light worked again, but still some issues regarding dim-functionality.
Replaced with new one, almost has solved this light.
The other needed some testing and does also work again with new SLB0586.

We have a nice test IC, looks working but kills its own functionality.
It is already an old IC, even think the SLB0587 has a new version nowadays.

Next all pages of the article:


PCB in test environment:
Image Image

Backside of receiver / dimmer PCB, fixed pad for triac:

As the EU will ban all halogen-lamps and glow-bulbs, there now LED replacements for those lamps.
There is only 1 disappointment with those replacements, they will not dim fully, or start flickering 25Hz.
Maybe we have to build a PWM kinda LED driver for these lamps, so we're able to dim even those?
Found 1 that could be doing the job from: https://mkvtech.blogspot.com/2016/09/di ... 55-ic.html


Lamp 12v DC 10W or similar
IC NE555 Timer
T1-Transistor Bc548 or any similar NPN type
T2-Power Transistor D1047 or similar NPN power transistor
R1,R3-1k Ohms Resistor
R2-10k Ohms Variable Resistor
D1,D2-1N4007 Diode or 1N4148 if desired
C1,C2-10n Capacitor
A 12v Battery or a 12v DC Power Source

New project could be to make them also work with 433MHz RF signals? (IoT Raspberry ?)

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