TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7

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Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7

Post by admin »

With the new Linux 10 Buster, LD865 we have to build 3 new TorRouter versions, starting with this VMware version.
It will contain the following:
  • OpenWrt v19.07.7
  • Tor ( ? OpenWrt is only on )
  • Privoxy 3.0.28-1
Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7 ?

Post by admin »

Tor is available for all versions!
on: ... /packages/

Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7 ?

Post by admin »

Weird weird weird.

Until now a complete new 'clone' of OpenWrt returns warnings during feeds install command.
Snapshot versions can be made, but after 'git checkout v19.07.7' the make will end in error.
I've no idea why this happens.


Code: Select all

torrouter@LD865:~/OpenWrt/vmware$ git clone v19.07.7
Cloning into 'v19.07.7'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 551808, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (551808/551808), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (148212/148212), done.
remote: Total 551808 (delta 384671), reused 545851 (delta 380613)
Receiving objects: 100% (551808/551808), 163.96 MiB | 8.09 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (384671/384671), done.

torrouter@LD865:~/OpenWrt/vmware$ cd v19.07.7/
torrouter@LD865:~/OpenWrt/vmware/v19.07.7$ git tag

torrouter@LD865:~/OpenWrt/vmware/v19.07.7$ git branch
* master

torrouter@LD865:~/OpenWrt/vmware/v19.07.7$ git checkout v19.07.7
Note: checking out 'v19.07.7'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

HEAD is now at d5ae565873 OpenWrt v19.07.7: adjust config defaults

torrouter@LD865:~/OpenWrt/vmware/v19.07.7$ ./scripts/feeds update -a -i
Create index file './feeds/packages.index'
Checking 'working-make'... ok.
Checking 'case-sensitive-fs'... ok.
Checking 'proper-umask'... ok.
Checking 'gcc'... ok.
Checking 'working-gcc'... ok.
Checking 'g++'... ok.
Checking 'working-g++'... ok.
Checking 'ncurses'... ok.
Checking 'perl-thread-queue'... ok.
Checking 'tar'... ok.
Checking 'find'... ok.
Checking 'bash'... ok.
Checking 'patch'... ok.
Checking 'diff'... ok.
Checking 'cp'... ok.
Checking 'seq'... ok.
Checking 'awk'... ok.
Checking 'grep'... ok.
Checking 'getopt'... ok.
Checking 'stat'... ok.
Checking 'unzip'... ok.
Checking 'bzip2'... ok.
Checking 'wget'... ok.
Checking 'perl'... ok.
Checking 'python3-cleanup'... ok.
Checking 'python'... ok.
Checking 'git'... ok.
Checking 'file'... ok.
Checking 'ldconfig-stub'... ok.
find: ‘feeds/packages’: No such file or directory
Collecting package info: done
find: ‘feeds/packages’: No such file or directory
Collecting target info: done
Create index file './feeds/luci.index'
find: ‘feeds/luci’: No such file or directory
Collecting package info: done
find: ‘feeds/luci’: No such file or directory
Collecting target info: done
Create index file './feeds/routing.index'
find: ‘feeds/routing’: No such file or directory
Collecting package info: done
find: ‘feeds/routing’: No such file or directory
Collecting target info: done
Create index file './feeds/telephony.index'
find: ‘feeds/telephony’: No such file or directory
Collecting package info: done
find: ‘feeds/telephony’: No such file or directory
Collecting target info: done
Create index file './feeds/freifunk.index'
find: ‘feeds/freifunk’: No such file or directory
Collecting package info: done
find: ‘feeds/freifunk’: No such file or directory
Collecting target info: done
torrouter@LD865:~/OpenWrt/vmware/v19.07.7$ ./scripts/feeds install -a -f
Collecting package info: done
Collecting target info: done
WARNING: Makefile 'package/utils/busybox/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libpam', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/utils/busybox/Makefile' has a build dependency on 'libpam', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libgnutls', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libopenldap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libidn2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/curl/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libssh2', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/iproute2/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libcap', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/boot/kexec-tools/Makefile' has a dependency on 'liblzma', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/services/lldpd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'libnetsnmp', which does not exist
WARNING: Makefile 'package/network/utils/nftables/Makefile' has a dependency on 'jansson', which does not exist
Installing all packages from feed packages.
Installing all packages from feed luci.
Installing all packages from feed routing.
Installing all packages from feed telephony.
Installing all packages from feed freifunk.
I've seen errors on build 'package/libs/libnl-tiny' and 'package/libs/libubox'.
So that's not even always on 1 point. Always somewhere else where the build returns an error.

What is going on?

I'm now at a point that only 1 warning is mentioned during builds:

Code: Select all

WARNING: Makefile 'package/feeds/packages/ksmbd/Makefile' has a dependency on 'kmod-crypto-arc4', which does not exist
We'll see if it can make a v19.07.7 version ...

Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7 ?

Post by admin »

OK, after 3 times 'git clone ...' command, and 'checkout v19.07.7', we now have a v19.07.7 version, although with 1 warning as mentioned above.
And this one we gonna test now.

Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7 ?

Post by admin »

First VMware version build has -for now- following packages installed:

Code: Select all

base-files - 204.2-r11306-c4a6851c72
block-mount - 2020-05-12-84269037-1
bnx2-firmware - 20190416-1
busybox - 1.30.1-6
ca-certificates - 20200601-1
cgi-io - 19
collectd - 5.12.0-1
collectd-mod-cpu - 5.12.0-1
collectd-mod-interface - 5.12.0-1
collectd-mod-iwinfo - 5.12.0-1
collectd-mod-load - 5.12.0-1
collectd-mod-memory - 5.12.0-1
collectd-mod-network - 5.12.0-1
collectd-mod-rrdtool - 5.12.0-1
dnsmasq - 2.80-16.3
dropbear - 2019.78-2
e2fsprogs - 1.44.5-2
ethtool - 5.2-1
firewall - 2019-11-22-8174814a-3
fstools - 2020-05-12-84269037-1
fwtool - 2
getrandom - 2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3
glib2 - 2.58.3-5
htop - 3.0.5-1
htpdate - 1.1.1-4
ip6tables - 1.8.3-1
iptables - 1.8.3-1
jshn - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
jsonfilter - 2018-02-04-c7e938d6-1
kernel - 4.14.221-1-b6a35fe9bb498228d2846379aaf0df6e
kmod-bnx2 - 4.14.221-1
kmod-button-hotplug - 4.14.221-3
kmod-e1000 - 4.14.221-1
kmod-e1000e - 4.14.221-1
kmod-hwmon-core - 4.14.221-1
kmod-i2c-algo-bit - 4.14.221-1
kmod-i2c-core - 4.14.221-1
kmod-igb - 4.14.221-1
kmod-input-core - 4.14.221-1
kmod-ip6tables - 4.14.221-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 4.14.221-1
kmod-ipt-core - 4.14.221-1
kmod-ipt-nat - 4.14.221-1
kmod-ipt-offload - 4.14.221-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 4.14.221-1
kmod-mii - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-conntrack - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-conntrack6 - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-flow - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-ipt - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-ipt6 - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-nat - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-reject - 4.14.221-1
kmod-nf-reject6 - 4.14.221-1
kmod-ppp - 4.14.221-1
kmod-pppoe - 4.14.221-1
kmod-pppox - 4.14.221-1
kmod-pps - 4.14.221-1
kmod-ptp - 4.14.221-1
kmod-r8169 - 4.14.221-1
kmod-slhc - 4.14.221-1
kmod-tun - 4.14.221-1
kmod-vmxnet3 - 4.14.221-1
libattr - 2.4.48-1
libblkid1 - 2.34-1
libblobmsg-json - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
libc - 1.1.24-2
libcap - 2.27-1
libcomerr0 - 1.44.5-2
libevent2-7 - 2.1.11-1
libext2fs2 - 1.44.5-2
libf2fs6 - 1.12.0-3
libffi - 3.3-2
libgcc1 - 7.5.0-2
libip4tc2 - 1.8.3-1
libip6tc2 - 1.8.3-1
libiwinfo-lua - 2019-10-16-07315b6f-1
libiwinfo20181126 - 2019-10-16-07315b6f-1
libjson-c2 - 0.12.1-3.1
libjson-script - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
libkmod - 20-2
libltdl7 - 2.4.6-2
liblua5.1.5 - 5.1.5-3
liblucihttp-lua - 2019-07-05-a34a17d5-1
liblucihttp0 - 2019-07-05-a34a17d5-1
liblzo2 - 2.10-2
libncurses6 - 6.1-5
libnl-tiny - 0.1-5
libopenssl-conf - 1.1.1i-1
libopenssl1.1 - 1.1.1i-1
libpci - 3.6.2-3
libpcre - 8.43-1
libpthread - 1.1.24-2
librrd1 - 1.0.50-3
librt - 1.1.24-2
libsmartcols1 - 2.34-1
libss2 - 1.44.5-2
libtirpc - 1.2.6-2
libubox20191228 - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
libubus-lua - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
libubus20191227 - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
libuci20130104 - 2019-09-01-415f9e48-4
libuclient20160123 - 2020-06-17-51e16ebf-1
libusb-1.0-0 - 1.0.22-2
libustream-openssl20150806 - 2020-03-13-40b563b1-1
libuuid1 - 2.34-1
libxtables12 - 1.8.3-1
logd - 2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3
lua - 5.1.5-3
luci - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-commands - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-firewall - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-openvpn - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-opkg - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-p910nd - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-privoxy - 1.0.6-2
luci-app-simple-adblock - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-statistics - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-app-wifischedule - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-base - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-compat - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-lib-ip - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-lib-ipkg - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-lib-iptparser - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-lib-jsonc - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-lib-nixio - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-mod-admin-full - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-mod-network - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-mod-status - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-mod-system - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-proto-ppp - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-ssl-openssl - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
luci-theme-bootstrap - git-21.044.30835-34e0d65-1
mkf2fs - 1.12.0-3
mtd - 24
nano - 5.5-1
netifd - 2021-01-09-753c351b-1
odhcp6c - 2021-01-09-64e1b4e7-16
odhcpd-ipv6only - 2020-05-03-49e4949c-3
open-vm-tools - 10.3.10-1
openssl-util - 1.1.1i-1
openvpn-openssl - 2.4.7-2
openwrt-keyring - 2019-07-25-8080ef34-1
opkg - 2021-01-31-c5dccea9-1
p910nd - 0.97-8
partx-utils - 2.34-1
pciutils - 3.6.2-3
ppp - 2.4.7.git-2019-05-25-3
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.7.git-2019-05-25-3
privoxy - 3.0.28-1
procd - 2020-03-07-09b9bd82-1
r8169-firmware - 20190416-1
rpcd - 2020-05-26-67c8a3fd-1
rpcd-mod-file - 2020-05-26-67c8a3fd-1
rpcd-mod-iwinfo - 2020-05-26-67c8a3fd-1
rpcd-mod-luci - 20201107
rpcd-mod-rrdns - 20170710
rrdtool1 - 1.0.50-3
simple-adblock - 1.8.4-10
terminfo - 6.1-5
tor -
tor-fw-helper - 0.3-1
tor-gencert -
tor-geoip -
tor-resolve -
ubox - 2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3
ubus - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
ubusd - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
uci - 2019-09-01-415f9e48-4
uclient-fetch - 2020-06-17-51e16ebf-1
uhttpd - 2020-10-01-3abcc891-1
urandom-seed - 1.0-1
urngd - 2020-01-21-c7f7b6b6-1
usbutils - 007-10
usign - 2020-05-23-f1f65026-1
wifischedule - 1-2
zlib - 1.2.11-3
On the current P-2812 version (v19.07.4) this list is:

Code: Select all

base-files - 204.2-r11208-ce6496d796
block-mount - 2020-05-12-84269037-1
blockd - 2020-05-12-84269037-1
br2684ctl - 2.5.2-7
bspatch - 4.3-1
busybox - 1.30.1-6
ca-bundle - 20200601-1
cgi-io - 19
collectd - 5.11.0-7
collectd-mod-cpu - 5.11.0-7
collectd-mod-interface - 5.11.0-7
collectd-mod-iwinfo - 5.11.0-7
collectd-mod-load - 5.11.0-7
collectd-mod-memory - 5.11.0-7
collectd-mod-network - 5.11.0-7
collectd-mod-rrdtool - 5.11.0-7
coreutils - 8.30-2
coreutils-sort - 8.30-2
dnsmasq - 2.80-16.3
dosfstools - 4.1-4
dropbear - 2019.78-2
dsl-vrx200-firmware-xdsl-a -
dsl-vrx200-firmware-xdsl-a-patch -
dsl-vrx200-firmware-xdsl-b -
dsl-vrx200-firmware-xdsl-b-patch -
e2fsprogs - 1.44.5-2
ethtool - 5.2-1
f2fsck - 1.12.0-3
fdisk - 2.34-1
firewall - 2019-11-22-8174814a-2
fstools - 2020-05-12-84269037-1
fwtool - 2
getrandom - 2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3
hostapd-common - 2019-08-08-ca8c2bd2-4
hostapd-openssl - 2019-08-08-ca8c2bd2-4
htop - 3.0.1-1
htpdate - 1.1.1-4
ip6tables - 1.8.3-1
iptables - 1.8.3-1
iw - 5.0.1-1
iwinfo - 2019-10-16-07315b6f-1
jshn - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
jsonfilter - 2018-02-04-c7e938d6-1
kernel - 4.14.195-1-19e3b78486edba24ce70d9b7125212c1
kmod-atm - 4.14.195-1
kmod-cfg80211 - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-crypto-aead - 4.14.195-1
kmod-crypto-crc32 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-crypto-crc32c - 4.14.195-1
kmod-crypto-hash - 4.14.195-1
kmod-crypto-manager - 4.14.195-1
kmod-crypto-null - 4.14.195-1
kmod-crypto-pcompress - 4.14.195-1
kmod-eeprom-93cx6 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-fs-autofs4 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-fs-ext4 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-fs-f2fs - 4.14.195-1
kmod-fs-vfat - 4.14.195-1
kmod-gpio-button-hotplug - 4.14.195-3
kmod-input-core - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ip6tables - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ipt-core - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ipt-nat - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ipt-offload - 4.14.195-1
kmod-leds-gpio - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ledtrig-default-on - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ledtrig-heartbeat - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ledtrig-netdev - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ledtrig-timer - 4.14.195-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 4.14.195-1
kmod-lib-crc-itu-t - 4.14.195-1
kmod-lib-crc16 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ltq-atm-vr9 - 4.14.195-2
kmod-ltq-deu-vr9 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ltq-ifxos - 4.14.195+1.5.19-4
kmod-ltq-ptm-vr9 - 4.14.195-2
kmod-ltq-vdsl-vr9 - 4.14.195+
kmod-ltq-vdsl-vr9-mei - 4.14.195+
kmod-mac80211 - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-nf-conntrack - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nf-conntrack6 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nf-flow - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nf-ipt - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nf-ipt6 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nf-nat - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nf-reject - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nf-reject6 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nls-base - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nls-cp437 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nls-iso8859-1 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-nls-utf8 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-ppp - 4.14.195-1
kmod-pppoa - 4.14.195-1
kmod-pppoe - 4.14.195-1
kmod-pppox - 4.14.195-1
kmod-rt2800-lib - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-rt2800-mmio - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-rt2800-pci - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-rt2x00-lib - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-rt2x00-mmio - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-rt2x00-pci - 4.14.195+4.19.137-1-2
kmod-scsi-core - 4.14.195-1
kmod-slhc - 4.14.195-1
kmod-sound-core - 4.14.195-1
kmod-spi-dev - 4.14.195-1
kmod-tun - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-audio - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-core - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-dwc2 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-ehci - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-ohci - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-printer - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-storage - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-storage-extras - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-storage-uas - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb-uhci - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb2 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usb3 - 4.14.195-1
kmod-usbmon - 4.14.195-1
libblkid1 - 2.34-1
libblobmsg-json - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
libbz2-1.0 - 1.0.8-1
libc - 1.1.24-2
libcap - 2.27-1
libcomerr0 - 1.44.5-2
libevent2-7 - 2.1.11-1
libext2fs2 - 1.44.5-2
libf2fs6 - 1.12.0-3
libfdisk1 - 2.34-1
libgcc1 - 7.5.0-2
libip4tc2 - 1.8.3-1
libip6tc2 - 1.8.3-1
libiwinfo-lua - 2019-10-16-07315b6f-1
libiwinfo20181126 - 2019-10-16-07315b6f-1
libjson-c2 - 0.12.1-3.1
libjson-script - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
libltdl7 - 2.4.6-2
liblua5.1.5 - 5.1.5-3
liblucihttp-lua - 2019-07-05-a34a17d5-1
liblucihttp0 - 2019-07-05-a34a17d5-1
liblzo2 - 2.10-2
libncurses6 - 6.1-5
libnl-tiny - 0.1-5
libopenssl-conf - 1.1.1g-1
libopenssl1.1 - 1.1.1g-1
libpcap1 - 1.9.1-2.1
libpcre - 8.43-1
libpthread - 1.1.24-2
librrd1 - 1.0.50-3
librt - 1.1.24-2
libsmartcols1 - 2.34-1
libss2 - 1.44.5-2
libubox20191228 - 2020-05-25-66195aee-1
libubus-lua - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
libubus20191227 - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
libuci20130104 - 2019-09-01-415f9e48-3
libuclient20160123 - 2020-06-17-51e16ebf-1
libusb-1.0-0 - 1.0.22-2
libustream-openssl20150806 - 2020-03-13-40b563b1-1
libuuid1 - 2.34-1
libxtables12 - 1.8.3-1
linux-atm - 2.5.2-7
logd - 2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3
ltq-vdsl-app -
ltq-vdsl-vr9-vectoring-fw-installer - 6.8.6-3
lua - 5.1.5-3
luci - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-commands - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-diag-core - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-firewall - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-openvpn - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-opkg - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-p910nd - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-privoxy - 1.0.6-2
luci-app-statistics - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-transmission - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-app-wifischedule - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-base - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-compat - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-base-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-commands-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-diag-core-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-firewall-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-openvpn-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-opkg-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-p910nd-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-privoxy-de - 1.0.6-2
luci-i18n-statistics-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-transmission-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-i18n-wifischedule-de - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-lib-ip - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-lib-ipkg - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-lib-iptparser - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-lib-jsonc - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-lib-nixio - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-mod-admin-full - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-mod-network - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-mod-status - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-mod-system - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-proto-ipv6 - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-proto-ppp - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-ssl-openssl - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
luci-theme-bootstrap - git-20.247.75781-0d0ab01-1
mtd - 24
nano - 5.2-1
netifd - 2019-08-05-5e02f944-1
odhcp6c - 2019-01-11-e199804b-16
odhcpd-ipv6only - 2020-05-03-49e4949c-3
openssl-util - 1.1.1g-1
openvpn-easy-rsa - 3.0.4-1
openvpn-openssl - 2.4.7-2
openwrt-keyring - 2019-07-25-8080ef34-1
opkg - 2020-05-07-f2166a89-1
p910nd - 0.97-8
ppp - 2.4.7.git-2019-05-25-3
ppp-mod-pppoa - 2.4.7.git-2019-05-25-3
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.7.git-2019-05-25-3
privoxy - 3.0.28-1
procd - 2020-03-07-09b9bd82-1
rpcd - 2020-05-26-67c8a3fd-1
rpcd-mod-file - 2020-05-26-67c8a3fd-1
rpcd-mod-iwinfo - 2020-05-26-67c8a3fd-1
rpcd-mod-luci - 20191114
rpcd-mod-rrdns - 20170710
rrdtool1 - 1.0.50-3
rt2800-pci-firmware - 20190416-1
spi-tools - 0.8.3-1
swconfig - 12
tcpdump - 4.9.3-1
terminfo - 6.1-5
tor -
tor-fw-helper - 0.3-1
tor-gencert -
tor-geoip -
tor-resolve -
ubi-utils - 2.1.1-1
ubox - 2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3
ubus - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
ubusd - 2019-12-27-041c9d1c-1
uci - 2019-09-01-415f9e48-3
uclient-fetch - 2020-06-17-51e16ebf-1
uhttpd - 2020-03-13-975dce23-1
uhttpd-mod-ubus - 2020-03-13-975dce23-1
urandom-seed - 1.0-1
urngd - 2020-01-21-c7f7b6b6-1
usbutils - 007-10
usign - 2020-05-23-f1f65026-1
wifischedule - 1-2
wireless-regdb - 2019.06.03-1
zlib - 1.2.11-3
Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7

Post by admin »

Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7

Post by admin »

Privoxy can be upgraded to 3.0.31.

Site Admin
Posts: 483
Joined: 06 Feb 2007, 13:36

Re: TorRouter with Tor and OpenWrt 19.07.7

Post by admin »

Build changes OpenWrt v21.02.0 (TorRouter)

privoxy 3.0.32:

Code: Select all

# PKG_HASH:=b5d78cc036aaadb3b7cf860e9d598d7332af468926a26e2d56167f1cb6f2824a
old hash:


Code: Select all

old hash:

Latest builds cannot be opened by 7zip?
Weird, now making them .bin instead of .tar.gz.

Post Reply